Approval Workflow Queries & Mutations

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To Update Default Approval Workflow

This mutation allows you to update the default approval workflow by providing the ID of the approval workflow you wish to set as the new default. The mutation will return the ID and name of the updated default approval workflow.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

mutation updateDefaultApprovalWorkflow($input: UpdateDefaultApprovalWorkflow!) { updateDefaultApprovalWorkflow(input: $input){ id name } }

Advance Application Workflow Step

The advanceApplicationWorkflowStep mutation allows you to advance the workflow stage of a specific application with the provided input parameters.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

mutation advanceApplicationWorkflowStep($input: ApplicationStageInput!) { advanceApplicationWorkflowStep(input: $input){ success application { id } } }

In the sample response, the advanceApplicationWorkflowStep mutation has successfully advanced the workflow stage for the application with the given applicationId. The success field indicates whether the operation was successful or not. In this case, it is true, indicating success. The application field returns the updated application data with its unique identifier id.

To Revert Application Workflow Step

The revertApplicationWorkflowStep mutation allows you to revert a workflow step for a specific application, effectively moving the application back to a previous stage. This can be useful when you need to correct errors or reconsider a decision made during the workflow process.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

mutation revertApplicationWorkflowStep($input: ApplicationStageInput!) { revertApplicationWorkflowStep(input: $input){ success application { id } } }



  • If the reversion is successful, the application will be moved back to a previous stage in the workflow.

  • If the reversion fails for any reason, the success field will be false, and an appropriate error message should be returned. The application field will be null in this case.

Creating Custom Approval Workflow

The customApprovalWorkflowCreate mutation is used to create a custom approval workflow.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

To Delete Custom Approval Workflow

The customApprovalWorkflowDelete mutation is used to delete a custom approval workflow in the system. The mutation takes a single input variable, which contains the ID of the approval workflow to be deleted. After the workflow is successfully deleted, the mutation will return the ID and name of the deleted workflow in the response.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

 To Disable Custom Approval Workflow

The customApprovalWorkflowDisable mutation allows you to disable a custom approval workflow. This mutation takes an input variable of type MutateApprovalWorkflowInput and returns the ID and name of the disabled workflow.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

The id field contains the ID of the disabled custom approval workflow, and the name field contains the name of the disabled workflow.

Updating Custom Approval Workflow Update

The customApprovalWorkflowUpdate mutation allows updating an existing custom approval workflow with the provided input variables.

GraphQLJSONSample Response


This mutation allows you to enable a custom approval workflow for a specific entity. The customApprovalWorkflowEnable mutation requires an input variable of type MutateApprovalWorkflowInput, which should include the id of the entity for which you want to enable the custom approval workflow.

GraphQLJSONSample Response