Transaction Queries and Mutations

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The TransactionById query allows you to retrieve detailed information about a transaction by providing its unique identifier. This query returns information about the account details and amount associated with the specified transaction.

Input Variables

  • transactionByIdId (required): The unique identifier of the transaction you want to retrieve details for.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

query TransactionById($transactionByIdId: ID!) { transactionById(id: $transactionByIdId) { accountDetails { accountName accountNumber bankName } amount id } }

Sample Response

  • transactionById: The object containing information about the requested transaction.

    • accountDetails: An object containing account-related details.

      • accountName: The name associated with the account.

      • accountNumber: The account number.

      • bankName: The name of the bank.

    • amount: The amount of the transaction.

    • id: The unique identifier of the transaction.


The ReverseRepaymentTransaction mutation allows you to reverse a repayment transaction. It takes an input object containing the necessary information to perform the reversal and returns details about the reversed transaction.

Input Variables

  • input: A required input object containing the following fields:

    • comment (String): A comment or reason for reversing the transaction.

    • transactionId (String): The ID of the transaction you want to reverse.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

mutation ReverseRepaymentTransaction($input: ReverseRepaymentTransactionInput!) { reverseRepaymentTransaction(input: $input) { transaction { accountDetails { accountName accountNumber bankName } id amount status } } }

In this Sample Response, a repayment transaction with the provided transactionId has been successfully reversed. The response includes the account details of the transaction, the reversed transaction's ID, the reversed amount, and the updated status, which is now "REVERSED".