Portfolio (Loan)
Welcome to the "Portfolio (Loan)" section of Originate's GraphQL API Documentation. In this section, you'll find a comprehensive guide to the available queries and mutations related to managing loans, their details, status and management within Originate's loan management platform using GraphQL.
Let's explore the queries and mutations of the portfolio category:
Portfolio Section Queries
Below is a list of all queries related to portfolio information within Originate.
portfolioById(id: ID!): Portfolio
portfolioSummary: PortfolioSummary!
getRepaymentBreakdown(input: RepaymentBreakdownInput!): RepaymentBreakdownPayload
Portfolio Section Mutations
Below is a list of all mutations related to portfolio information within Originate.
disburseLoanToBank(input: DisburseLoanToBankInput!): PortfolioUpdatePayload
makePaystackCardRepayment(input: CreatePaystackCardRepaymentInput!): LoanRepaymentPayload
makePaystackReferenceRepayment(input: CreatePaystackReferenceRepaymentInput!): LoanRepaymentPayload
manualPaystackReferenceRepayment(input: ManualPaystackReferenceRepaymentInput!): LoanRepaymentPayload
updateExternallyDisbursedLoan(input: ExternalDisbursementInput!): PortfolioUpdatePayload
closeOutLoan(portfolioId: ID!): PortfolioUpdatePayload
editRepayment(input: EditRepaymentInput!): EditRepaymentPayload!
closeOutLoanBeforeDisbursement(input: CloseOutLoanBeforeDisbursementInput!): PortfolioUpdatePayload
By referring to the documentation for each query and mutation, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to manage loan portfolios, repayments, and associated data using Originate's GraphQL API. Each operation is documented with detailed information about input parameters, return types, and usage examples.
Feel free to explore and utilize these operations to enhance loan portfolio management capabilities within your applications and leverage the capabilities of Originate's loan management platform.