Policy/Loan product Queries & Mutations

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To Create a Policy

The policyCreate mutation creates a new policy with the provided input parameters.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

mutation policyCreate($input: CreatePolicyInput!) { policyCreate(input: $input){ recordId record { id } } }

This sample response indicates that the policy creation was successful and provides the recordId and id of the newly created policy.

Policy By Id

Retrieves policy information based on the provided policy ID.

Input Variable:

  • policyByIdId (required): The ID of the policy for which you want to retrieve information. It must be of type ID!.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

query PolicyById($policyByIdId: ID!) { policyById(id: $policyByIdId) { id } }


Retrieve a list of policies based on the provided status input variable.

Input Variables

  • status (optional): Filter policies by their status. Can be one of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or null to retrieve all policies regardless of status.

GraphQLInput VariableSample ResponseError Handling

query Policies { viewer { account { policies { totalCount nodes { description id loanType name } } } } }

Error Handling
If there is an issue with the request, the response will include an "errors" field containing relevant error information.

Get Loan Category Attributes

This query retrieves a list of loan category attributes along with their details.

Input Variable
This query does not require any input variables.

GraphQLSample Response

In the sample response, you can see an array of loan category attributes, each containing various details such as id, name, default, options, required, type, isOverwritable, data, category, and label. The response demonstrates three attributes belonging to different categories along with their respective values.


getLoanCategories(where: CategoryWhereInput): GetLoanCategoriesResponse

Retrieves loan categories based on the specified criteria which is highlighted in the CategoryWhereInputobject.

Input Fields for CategoryWhereInput Object
TheCategoryWhereInputobject containing the following fields:

id ID

Filters loan categories by a specific ID.

id_in [ID]

Filters loan categories by a list of IDs.

status LoanCategoryStatus

Filters loan categories by status. This field takes the type LoanCategoryStatus

The LoanCategoryStatus is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:



status_in [LoanCategoryStatus]

Filters loan categories by multiple statuses included in the array.This field takes the type LoanCategoryStatus

The LoanCategoryStatus is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:



status_not_in [LoanCategoryStatus]

Filters loan categories that do not have the status included in the array.This field takes the type LoanCategoryStatus

The LoanCategoryStatus is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:



status_not LoanCategoryStatus

Filters loan categories by status that do not have the specified status.This field takes the type LoanCategoryStatus

The LoanCategoryStatus is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:



Response Fields for getLoanCategories Query

ThegetLoanCategoriesquery has the response of type GetLoanCategoriesResponse

The GetLoanCategoriesResponse is an object that takes an input field of categories which takes an array of type LoanCategoryi.e. categories: [LoanCategory]

Below are the fields in type LoanCategory object:

id ID Required

The ID of the loan category.

name String! Required

The name of the loan category.

status String

The status of the loan category.

description String

The description of the loan category.

minAmount Float

The minimum loan amount of applications and loans that applies to this loan category.

maxAmount Float

The maximum loan amount of applications and loans that applies to this loan category.

minDuration Int

The minimum loan duration of applications and loans that applies to this loan category.

maxDuration Int

The maximum loan duration of applications and loans that applies to this loan category.

durationType PolicyDurationType

The duration type that applies to applications and loans under this loan category.

The DurationType is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:






loanCategoryAttributes [LoanCategoryAttribute]

The attributes configured of the loan category. This field takes an array of object of typeLoanCategoryAttribute.

type LoanCategoryAttribute implements Node { id: ID! loanCategory: LoanCategory! attribute: Attribute! value: String data: JSON createdAt: DateTime! updatedAt: DateTime! }

products [Policy!]

An array of loan products linked to this category.

createdAt DateTime!

The time this category was created.

updatedAt DateTime!
The time this category was last updated.

Sample Input & Sample Response

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

Create Loan Category

Create a new loan category.

Input Variable

  • input: An object containing the following fields:

    • attributes: An array of objects representing attributes related to the loan category.

      • data: The data associated with the attribute.

      • id: The unique identifier of the attribute.

      • value: The value of the attribute.

    • description: A description of the loan category.

    • durationType: The type of duration for the loan category. Possible values: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, ANNUALLY, ONE_OFF.

    • isActive: A boolean indicating whether the loan category is active.

    • maxAmount: The maximum amount allowed for loans in this category (float).

    • maxDuration: The maximum duration (in units based on durationType) for loans in this category.

    • minAmount: The minimum amount allowed for loans in this category.

    • minDuration: The minimum duration (in units based on durationType) for loans in this category.

    • name: The name of the loan category.

    • products: The products associated with the loan category.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

Link Product To Loan Category

This mutation allows you to link a product to a loan category. It takes an input object containing the necessary information for linking a product to a loan category and returns a response indicating the success of the operation along with any comments.

Input Variables
The LinkProductToLoanCategoryInput object contains the following fields:

  • loanCategoryId (String!): The ID of the loan category to which the product will be linked.

  • products (String!): The ID of the product that will be linked to the loan category.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

In this sample response, the success field indicates whether the operation was successful, and the comments field provides additional information about the result of the operation. If success is true, the product has been successfully linked to the loan category, and the comments field will contain a corresponding success message. If the success field is false, an error occurred, and the comments field will contain an error message explaining the issue.

Update Loan Category

The UpdateLoanCategory mutation allows you to update a loan category with new information.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

Disable Loan Category

The DisableLoanCategory mutation allows you to disable a specific loan category.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

In the sample response, if the mutation is successful, the success field will be set to true. If there is an error, the success field will be set to false, and additional error information might be provided in the response.

Enable Loan Category

This mutation allows you to enable a specific loan category by providing its ID.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

In the sample response, the success field will indicate whether the loan category was successfully enabled (true) or not (false).

Policy Enable

The PolicyEnable mutation enables a policy with the given policyEnableId by changing its status. It returns the recordId of the policy and its updated status.

Input Variables

  • policyEnableId (required): The ID of the policy that needs to be enabled.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

Sample Response
If the mutation is successful, it returns an object containing the following fields:

  • recordId: The ID of the policy that was enabled.

  • status: The updated status of the policy after enabling.

To Disable a Policy

The policyDisable mutation is used to disable a policy with the specified ID.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

Upon successful execution of the mutation, the API will return a response containing the recordId and status of the disabled policy

 To Change The End Date of a Policy

The policyChangeEndDate mutation, which allows you to change the end date of a policy. This mutation takes an input variable of type ChangeEndDateInput and returns a response containing the recordId and the updated endDate.

GraphQLJSONSample Response

In the sample response, the recordId represents the unique identifier of the policy that was updated, and the endDate represents the new end date in ISO 8601 format.

To Set a Policy to Default

This mutation allows you to set a policy as the default policy.

GraphQLJSONSample Response


The policyUpdate mutation updates an existing loan product.

policyUpdate(where: PolicyWhereUniqueInput! data: UpdatePolicyInput!): CreatePolicyPayload

Input Fields for policyUpdate Mutation

The input field takes two objects of types

  1. PolicyWhereUniqueInput which specifies the unique identifier of the policy to be updated.

  2. UpdatePolicyInput! which contains the data you'd like to update the loan product with.

  1. PolicyWhereUniqueInput Required

The type PolicyWhereUniqueInput containing the following fields:

id ID Required

The ID of the loan product

  1. UpdatePolicyInput Required

The type UpdatePolicyInput containing the following fields:

name String

The name of the loan product

description String

The description of the loan product

status PublicPolicyStatus

The status of the loan product.

The PublicPolicyStatus is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:




interestRate CreateRateInput

The interest rate that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

The CreateRateInput is an input object that take the following fields:

  • name String: The name of the interest rate

  • calcBy RateCalcBy! Required : The type of calculating method to which the interest rate should be applied.

  • value Float! Required : The value of the interest rate.

taxRate CreateRateInput

The tax rate that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

The CreateRateInput is an input object that take the following fields:

  • name String: The name of the tax rate

  • calcBy RateCalcBy! Required : The type of calculating method to which the tax rate should be applied.

  • value Float! Required : The value of the tax rate.

processingFee CreateRateInput

The processing fee that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

The CreateRateInput is an input object that take the following fields:

  • name String: The name of the processing fee.

  • calcBy RateCalcBy! Required : The type of calculating method to which the processing fee should be applied.

  • value Float! Required : The value of the processing fee.

minLoanAmount Float

The minimum loan amount that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

maxLoanAmount Float

The maximum loan amount that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

minLoanDuration Int

The minimum loan duration that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

maxLoanDuration Int

The maximum loan duration that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

durationType DurationType

The duration type that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

The DurationType is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:






repaymentType RepaymentType

The repayment type that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

The RepaymentType is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:




latePaymentWarningDue Int

The number of days that serve as a grace period before late fees start applying to overdue loans under this loan product.

maxLateFeeDuration Int

The maximum number of days late fees accumulate on overdue loans under this loan product.

endDate DateTime

The end date of the loan product.

startDate DateTime

The start date of the loan product.

onAssignedAction PolicyAssignedAction

The approval status that applies to loans under this loan product.

The PolicyAssignedAction is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:




approvalWorkflowId ID

The approval workflow ID assigned to this loan product.

ruleSetIds [ID!]

The IDs of the rule set templates assigned to this loan product.

loanType LoanType

The loan type that applies to applications and loans under this loan product.

The LoanType is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:



graduatedLoanCycles [CreateGraduatedLoanCycle!]

The loan cycles that apply to loans that under this loan product of loan type graduated.

The [CreateGraduatedLoanCycle!] is an input array of object that take the following fields:

  • amount FloatRequired: The loan amount of a cycle.

  • interestRate Float Required: The interest rate of a cycle.

  • maxLoanDuration Int Required: The maximum loan duration of a cycle.

  • repaymentCount Int Required: The number of times the cycle should be repeated before proceeding to the next cycle.

lateFeeCalculation LateFeeCalculationInput

The late fees calculation method that apply to loans under this loan product.

The LateFeeCalculationInput is an input object that take the following fields:

  • lateFeeChargeOn LateFeeChargOn Required : This specifies the figure on which fee is calculated. This field takes an input of LateFeeChargOn.
    The LateFeeChargOn is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:



  • lateFeeFrequency LateFeeFrequency Required : This is the frequency at which fee is applied. This field takes an input of type LateFeeFrequency .
    The LateFeeFrequency is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:

    • ONE_OFF


  • penaltyDelay Int :This specifies the delay in days before penalty applies.

  • rate CreateRateInput Required : This is the percentage/fixed fee value. This field takes an input of CreateRateInput.

The CreateRateInput is an input object that take the following fields:

  • name String: The name of the processing fee.

  • calcBy RateCalcBy! Required : The type of calculating method to which the processing fee should be applied.

  • value Float! Required : The value of the processing fee.

interestCalculationMethod InterestCalclationType

The interest calculation method that apply to loans under this loan product.

The InterestCalclationType is an enum type object that takes the following options as strings:

  • flat_interest_calculation

  • declining_balance_with_equal_installments

allowEarlyRepayment Boolean

This refers to whether you wanted to allow loans under this loan product to be repaid before the repayment due date.

offerLetterEnabled Boolean

This refers to whether you wanted to use the offer letter feature on your loan product.

validityInDays Int

This is the number of days the loan product is valid for.

applicationForm: JSON

This is the form builder application form that will be available to the customer linked to this loan product.

Sample Input & Response

GraphQLJSONSample Response

Sample Response Fields

  • policyUpdate (PolicyUpdatePayload): Contains the information about the updated policy.

    • recordId (ID!): The ID of the updated policy.

    • record (Policy): The updated policy object.

      • id (ID!): The ID of the policy.

To Update The Priority of a policy

The policyUpdatePriority mutation is used to update the priority of a policy record. This API allows you to modify the priority of a policy and retrieve information about the updated record.

Input Variable

The mutation requires an input variable of type UpdatePolicyPriorityInput. This input should contain the following fields:

  • id (String, required): The ID of the policy record you want to update.

  • increment (Boolean, required): A flag indicating whether to increment the priority (true) or decrement it (false).

GraphQLJSONSample Response

Sample Response Fields
The mutation returns an object with the following fields:

  • recordId (String): The ID of the updated policy record.

  • record (Object): The updated policy record object with its fields.

To Delete a Policy

The policyDelete mutation allows you to delete a policy by providing its unique identifier.

GraphQLJSONSample ResponseSample Error

Sample Errors
If the mutation encounters an error, it will return an error response. The response will contain an array of error objects, each having the following fields:

  • message: A human-readable error message describing the issue.

  • code: A machine-readable error code for easier debugging.

To List Policy Rule Types

The policyRuleTypes query allows you to retrieve a list of policy rule types based on specified criteria.

GraphQLJSONSample Response


GraphQLJSONSample Response