Manual-Repayment Queries & Mutations

Manual-Repayment Queries & Mutations

To Make Manual Repayment

The makeManualRepayment mutation is used to manually record a repayment made by a user for a portfolio in the system. This mutation allows users to log repayments for loans.

mutation makeManualRepayment($input: MakeManualRepaymentInput!) { makeManualRepayment(input: $input){ success portfolio { id } } }
{ "input": { "portfolioId": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv", "amount": 5000, "bankId": "ck1xcu4by6", "accountNumber": "1234567868", "reference": "reference" } }
{ "data": { "makeManualRepayment": { "success": true, "portfolio": { "id": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv" } } } }

To Notify Offline Repayment

The notifyOfflineRepayment mutation is used to notify the system about an offline repayment made by a user. Offline repayments typically include methods such as cheque payments. The mutation allows the user to provide details about the offline repayment, such as the portfolio ID, service used for repayment, the amount, bank ID, cheque number, and account name.

mutation notifyOfflineRepayment($input: NotifyOfflineRepaymentInput!) { notifyOfflineRepayment(input: $input){ id portfolio { id } } }
{ "input": { "portfolioId": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv", "service": "Cheque", "amount": 5000, "bankId": "ck1xcu4by6", "chequeNo": "1234567899", "accountName": "accountName" } }
{ "data": { "notifyOfflineRepayment": { "id": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv", // ID of the repayment transaction "portfolio": { "id": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv" // ID of the portfolio associated with the repayment } } } }

Response Explanation

Upon successful execution of the notifyOfflineRepayment mutation with the given input, the API returns a response containing the ID of the repayment transaction and the ID of the portfolio associated with the repayment. This information can be used to track the repayment status and link it back to the appropriate portfolio.


Retrieves a list of offline repayments based on the provided criteria.

Input Variables

  • after: Cursor to paginate after.

  • before: Cursor to paginate before.

  • first: Number of items to retrieve from the beginning.

  • last: Number of items to retrieve from the end.

  • orderBy: Sorting criteria for the results.

  • where: Filtering criteria for the results.

query OfflineRepayments( $after: ConnectionCursor, $before: ConnectionCursor, $first: ConnectionLimitInt, $last: ConnectionLimitInt, $orderBy: OfflineRepaymentOrderByInput, $where: OfflineRepaymentWhereInput ) { offlineRepayments( after: $after, before: $before, first: $first, last: $last, orderBy: $orderBy, where: $where ) { nodes { amount bank { id name } id service status } } }
{ "after": null, "before": null, "first": null, "last": null, "orderBy": null, "where": { "amount": 1000.00, "createdAt": "12-12-2022", "id": "hgde56rgvut76" } }
{ "data": { "offlineRepayments": { "nodes": [ { "amount": 1000.00, "bank": { "id": "bank123", "name": "Example Bank" }, "id": "repayment123", "service": "Utility Payment", "status": "Completed" } ] } } }

In the Sample Response, the query returned one offline repayment record that matches the provided filtering criteria. The details of the repayment, including the amount, bank information, ID, service, and status, are included in the response.


This mutation approves an offline repayment with the provided input parameters.

Input Variable
You need to provide the following input variables for the mutation to execute successfully:

  • comment (String): A comment or note related to the offline repayment approval.

  • id (String): The unique identifier of the offline repayment to be approved.

mutation ApproveOfflineRepayment($input: MutateOfflineRepaymentInput) { approveOfflineRepayment(input: $input) { amount bank { id name } id } }
{ "input": { "comment": "sample comment", "id": "jdvshbe8f7348ey9dhibqd" } }
{ "data": { "approveOfflineRepayment": { "amount": 500.0, "bank": { "id": "bank123", "name": "Sample Bank" }, "id": "repayment456" } } }

Sample Response

The mutation will return an object with the following fields:

  • amount (Float): The amount of the approved repayment.

  • bank (Object): The bank details associated with the repayment.

    • id (String): The unique identifier of the bank.

    • name (String): The name of the bank.

  • id (String): The unique identifier of the approved offline repayment.

To Decline Offline Repayment

This mutation allows you to decline an offline repayment for a specific portfolio. Once declined, the repayment will not be processed.

mutation declineOfflineRepayment($input: MutateOfflineRepaymentInput!) { declineOfflineRepayment(input: $input){ id portfolio { id } } }
{ "input": { "id": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv", "comment": "This repayment is incomplete and cannot be processed." } }
{ "data": { "declineOfflineRepayment": { "id": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv", "portfolio": { "id": "ck1xcu4by6let0842lecvvrlv" } } } }

The mutation declineOfflineRepayment returns the ID of the declined repayment as well as the ID of the associated portfolio. The comment field in the input variable is optional and can be used to provide additional context or reasons for declining the repayment.

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