Manual Flow

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The Manual Flow is used when electronic mandate activation is not supported, and the mandate must be created physically at a bank branch. Follow these steps for this process:

Check Mandate Eligibility

  • Verify if application.portfolio.debitMandate exists.

  • Ensure that is set to PENDING_ACTIVATION.

Bank Mandate Creation

  • If application.portfolio.debitMandate.electronicMandateIsSupported is false, the mandate can only be created at a bank.

Form Download

  • Download the content of the mandate activation form from the URL provided in application.portfolio.debitMandate.formUrl. This form is what the customer needs to complete the mandate at the bank.

Customer Action

  • Instruct the customer to take the downloaded form to their bank branch to create the mandate.

Automatic Submission

  • Once the mandate is successfully created at the bank, it will be automatically sent to Indicina, and the loan processing can proceed.