Debit Mandate Endpoints

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Request Otp For Mandate Activation

This mutation enables customers to request an OTP (One-Time Password) for the automated mandate activation process.

Input Variable

The RequestOtpMandateInput input variable should be structured as follows:

  • debitMandateId (String): The unique identifier of the debit mandate for which the OTP is requested.

  • clientId (String): The unique identifier of the client or customer initiating the OTP request.

GraphQLInput variableSample Response

mutation RequestOtpForMandateActivation($input: RequestOtpMandateInput) { requestOtpForMandateActivation(input: $input) { status authParams } }

Sample Response

The mutation returns the following fields in the response:

  • status (String): Indicates the status of the OTP request. Possible values include "success" or "error".

  • authParams (String): If the OTP request is successful, this field contains authentication parameters that may be required for subsequent steps in the mandate activation process.

Validate Otp For Mandate Activation

This mutation is used to validate an OTP (One-Time Password) for the activation of a debit mandate. The debit mandate is associated with a specific client.

Input Variables

  • input (type: MutateMandateInput!): An object containing the following fields:

    • debitMandateId (type: String!): The unique identifier of the debit mandate that needs to be activated.

    • clientId (type: String!): The unique identifier of the client who owns the debit mandate.

    • authParams (type: String): Additional authentication parameters if required. This field can be null.

GraphQLInput VariableSample Response

mutation ValidateOtpForMandateActivation($input: MutateMandateInput) { validateOtpForMandateActivation(input: $input) { success } }

Sample Response

  • success (type: Boolean!): A boolean value indicating whether the OTP validation was successful.