

Below are the steps a Merchant can follow to integrate with mono.

Step 1: Create a Mono App

  1. Merchants should create a Mono Account and gain access to their Mono dashboard.

  2. Merchants should sign in to their account and navigate to the APPS section.sent to the Merchant.

  3. Merchants should proceed to “Create an App”

  4. Once the details are completed, proceed to click “Create App”

  5. Once the App is created, Merchants will be able to see the new App created on the Apps page.

  6. Proceed to select the newly created App.

  7. Merchants should:

    1. Update the toggle from “sandbox” to “live”

    2. Take note of their Public Key and Secret Key.

    3. Click “Add Webhook” and input the URL using the format: https://api.indicina.co/api/v3/mono/<Replace-with-your-Slug>/linked-accounts eg https://api.indicina.co/api/v3/mono/example/linked-accounts

    4. Take note of their “Webhook” keys after adding the URL.

  8. At this point, the Merchants have successfully created an App.

  9. Merchants will be required to input these credentials (i.e Public Key and Secret Key (2), and Webhook Key (4) directly into Decide to integrate. This step will be shown later in the documentation)

Step 2: Create a Mono Statement Page

  1. Once the App has been successfully created, Merchants will be required to create a “Statement Page”

    1. Merchants are to navigate to the “Statements” section on their Mono dashboard.

    2. Merchants are to click on “Create a Statement Page”

  2. Please note, the “Statement Page” is what gives Merchants their unique widget.

  3. Proceed to input the relevant details on the “Create a Statement Page” modal.

  4. Make sure to choose the “App” previously selected when trying to “Select App” during this setup.

    1. If you are unable to see the App from the drop down list, please go back to your App Page on the Mono

  5. Dashboard and ensure that the App is set to “Live” not “Sandbox” and try again.

  6. Click on “Create Page” once done with setting up the Statement Page to your preference.

  7. Once the Statement Page is created, Merchants will be able to see it on their dashboard.

  8. Merchants can now share the “Page Link” of the created Statement Page to their customers to enjoy the benefit of fetching bank statements via Mono.

  9. Please do not share this “Page Link” until you have link your Mono account with Decide. (Next step)

Step 3: Link Mono to Decide

  1. Once Merchants have successfully created their “Mono App” and “Mono Statement Page” they will be able to integrate with Decide.

    1. Merchants would be required to log in to their Decide dashboard and navigate to the “Setting” page.

    2. Once on the Setting Page, Navigate to the 3rd Party Integration, and copy and paste the Public Key, Secret Key and Webhook Key from your Mono Dashboard to your Decide Dashboard.

    3. Click “Save”

  2. This completes the process of the Mono<>Decide Integration.

How Merchants' Customers Use the Widget

Whenever the merchant or the customers of the merchant click the unique link (link they got when setting up their “Statement Page” on Mono), they will be able to use Mono to fetch their statements.