Deprecated BVN Verification Method

Customer BVN Verification

🚧 It's not advised to use this verification method

This process requires you to collect BVN details from the customer which is then verified on the BVN service if the data provided by the customer is accurate. If the verification method is used, it is advised to verify the phone number returned via OTP or other means before the customer account is created.

query CustomerBvnStatus($input: CustomerBvnStatusInput!) { customerBvnStatus(input: $input) { isVerified firstName lastName dateOfBirth phone } }
{ "input": { "clientId": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", // Required "bvn": "CUSTOMER_BVN", // Required "bvnDOB": "CUSTOMER DATE OF BIRTH", // Required "bvnPhoneDigits": "LAST 4 DIGITS OF BVN PHONE" // Required } }

Test Credentials

bvn: Any random 11 digit number, eg 12345678901
bvnDOB: Any random date lesser than 16 years from today.
bvnPhoneDigits: Last 4 digits of the random bvn supplied, e.g 8901 based on the above bvn.

bvn: Any random 11 digit number, eg 12345678901
bvnDOB: Any random date lesser than 16 years from today.
bvnPhoneDigits: Any 4 digits that is not the last 4 digit of the BVN supplied.