Confirmation Queries and Mutations

Confirm Email Otp

The ConfirmEmailOtp mutation is used to confirm the validity of a one-time password (OTP) associated with a specific identifier. This mutation is typically used in the email verification process to ensure that the provided OTP matches the one previously generated and sent to the user's email address.

Input Variables

  • input (required): An object containing the following fields:

    • identifier (string, required): The identifier associated with the OTP. This should be the same as the one generated and sent to the user's email address.

    • otp (string, required): The OTP entered by the user for verification.

mutation ConfirmEmailOtp($input: ConfirmEmailOtpInput!) { confirmEmailOtp(input: $input) { success identifier isValidated } }
{ "input": { "identifier": "[the Identifier]", // The identifier associated with the OTP. "otp": "[otp]" } }
{ "data": { "confirmEmailOtp": { "success": true, "identifier": "[the Identifier]", "isValidated": true } } }

TriggerEmailOtp Mutation

This mutation triggers the sending of a one-time password (OTP) to a specified email address for authentication purposes.

Confirm Personal Email

The ConfirmPersonalEmail mutation is used to confirm a user's personal email address by providing a confirmation code. Upon successful confirmation, the mutation will return an ok field indicating whether the email confirmation was successful.

Work Email Verification

If requiresWorkEmail is true and the system does not blacklist the email domain, the mutation triggerWorkEmailConfirmation is called, and a six-digit OTP is sent to the customer’s work email.

This mutation is used to send an OTP to the registered work email of the customer.

This mutation is used to confirm the verification

Confirm Phone

This mutation is used to confirm a user's phone number by providing a confirmation code.

Input Variable

  • input (ConfirmPhoneInput!): An object containing the following fields:

    • userId (String!): The unique identifier of the user whose phone number needs to be confirmed.

    • code (String!): The confirmation code sent to the user's phone number.