Demo PDF - SME

Extracting PDF for SME

Passing Header Params






Content Type: multipart/form-data Authentication: Bearer <Token>


Passing Body Params

  1. Navigate to Body

  2. Select form-data

  • Set your keys and Value
    i. bank_code "text": bank code value of the statement: Get our supported bank code here
    ii. currency "text": currency value of the bank statement e.g NGN: Get supported currency here
    iii. request_type "text": score
    iv. customer_id "text": your customer Id
    v. pdf "file": Upload your file
    vi. model_name "text": bsp-sme

  1. Click Send Button



Copy the extracted jobId, as it will be used for analyzing the extracted PDF statement.


Analysis PDF STatement for SME

Passing Header Params

  1. Set your Endpoint URL and Method:{jobId}/status GET📘

    {jobId} should be replaced by the copied value in the first response

  2. Click Send Button



Below is your analysed bank statement

Full Sample Response

{ "status": "success", "data": { "jobId": "2c4d3e256cc2a31957e3a5b6d1b3f877356c859310129f4c8392c2298ba4b574", "scoreCardIds": null, "status": "DONE", "message": "", "decideResponse": { "data": { "spendAnalysis": { "bills": 3062, "webSpend": 11116.67, "bankCharges": 125, "hasRecurringExpense": "Yes", "savingsAndInvestments": 0, "averageMonthlyExpenses": 44329.25, "averageRecurringExpense": 17250, "internationalTransactionsSpend": 0 }, "accountDetails": { "accountName": { "value": "ADMOLL DUMMY DOE", "confidence": 1 }, "accountNumber": { "value": "0411133383", "confidence": 1 } }, "incomeAnalysis": { "medianMonthlyTransaction": 5025, "averageMonthlyTransaction": 74187.5 }, "cashFlowAnalysis": { "netRevenue": 29858.25, "monthPeriod": "September - December", "averageDebits": 3770.03, "averageBalance": 13490.03, "averageCredits": 9312.8, "closingBalance": 84.01, "accountActivity": 0.4, "yearInStatement": "2020", "maxEmiEligibility": 2217.11, "emiConfidenceScore": 0.49, "totalDebitTurnover": 297017, "totalCreditTurnover": 296750, "noOfTransactingMonths": 4 }, "behaviouralAnalysis": { "loanAmount": 0, "accountSweep": "No", "topDepositor": "no top transfer account found", "loanInflowRate": 0, "inflowOutflowRate": "Neutral Cash Flow", "loanRepaymentInflowRate": 0, "topTransferRecipientAccount": "ADMOLL MARY DOE" }, "transactionPatternAnalysis": { "lastDateOfDebit": "2020-12-24", "highestMAWODebit": { "month": "October", "week_of_month": 1 }, "lastDateOfCredit": "2020-12-23", "recurringExpense": [ { "amount": 1100, "description": "NIBSS Instant Payment Outward 000013201103155741000234234802 USSD NIP Transfer from 080000000123 TO ADMOLL/DOE FAITH-DOE ADMOLL REF:000013201103155741222222576802 " } ], "highestMAWOCredit": { "month": "October", "week_of_month": 1 }, "NODWBalanceLess5000": 38, "transactionsLess10000": 102, "MAWWZeroBalanceInAccount": null, "mostFrequentBalanceRange": "< 10,000", "transactionsGreater500000": 0, "mostFrequentTransactionRange": "< 10,000", "transactionsBetween10000And100000": 15, "transactionsBetween100000And500000": 1 } }, "status": "success", "message": "" } } }