

A new addition to various analysis options you have is via the CSV/XLS file.

The request body will be passed in as form data and not as raw_json data. The request body contains customer's CSV/XLS statement alongside customer ID.

Request Body

"customer_id": "kayTesting1" "fileStatement": test(7).xls

Upon successful request, if the status is DONE, you should receive a response that looks like below, containing all the different Decide variables inside the data.analysis object and the ID.


Request BodyResponse

{ "status": "success", "data": { "country": "Nigeria", "currency": "NGN", "behaviouralAnalysis": { "accountSweep": "No", "gamblingRate": 0, "inflowOutflowRate": "Positive Cash Flow", "loanAmount": 0, "loanInflowRate": 0, "loanRepaymentInflowRate": 0, "loanRepayments": 0, "lateLoanRepayments": 0, "returnedCheque": 0, "topIncomingTransferAccount": "John Ol", "topTransferRecipientAccount": "Be Refun" }, "cashFlowAnalysis": { "accountActivity": 0.27, "averageBalance": 94077.86, "creditCount": 87, "debitCount": 99, "averageCredits": 16868.635402298853, "averageDebits": 14182.844444444445, "openingBalance": 10944.78, "closingBalance": 89214.43, "firstDay": "2021-07-04", "lastDay": "2022-01-01", "monthPeriod": "July - January", "netAverageMonthlyEarnings": 115628.34999999998, "noOfTransactingMonths": 7, "totalCreditTurnover": 1467571.28, "totalDebitTurnover": 1404101.6, "harmonicMeanCR": 7.29, "harmonicMeanDR": 100.78, "yearInStatement": "2022,2021", "maxEmiEligibility": 886, "affordability": 44009.27, "emiConfidenceScore": 0.06, "totalMonthlyCredit": [ { "month": "2021-07", "amount": 200000 }, { "month": "2021-12", "amount": 440934.28 }, { "month": "2021-11", "amount": 215030 }, { "month": "2021-10", "amount": 250607 }, { "month": "2021-09", "amount": 161000 }, { "month": "2021-08", "amount": 200000 } ], "totalMonthlyDebit": [ { "month": "2021-10", "amount": 139121.19 }, { "month": "2021-09", "amount": 154397.92 }, { "month": "2021-08", "amount": 359974.74 }, { "month": "2021-07", "amount": 16442.27 }, { "month": "2022-01", "amount": 24326.87 }, { "month": "2021-12", "amount": 401681.76 }, { "month": "2021-11", "amount": 308156.85 } ], "averageMonthlyCredit": [ { "month": "2021-07", "amount": 200000 }, { "month": "2021-12", "amount": 5879.12 }, { "month": "2021-11", "amount": 71676.67 }, { "month": "2021-10", "amount": 41767.83 }, { "month": "2021-09", "amount": 161000 }, { "month": "2021-08", "amount": 200000 } ], "averageMonthlyDebit": [ { "month": "2021-10", "amount": 8183.6 }, { "month": "2021-09", "amount": 12866.49 }, { "month": "2021-08", "amount": 16362.49 }, { "month": "2021-07", "amount": 2348.9 }, { "month": "2022-01", "amount": 6081.72 }, { "month": "2021-12", "amount": 22315.65 }, { "month": "2021-11", "amount": 16218.78 } ] }, "incomeAnalysis": { "salaryEarner": "No", "pensioner": "No", "medianIncome": 200000, "averageOtherIncome": 316214.29, "expectedSalaryDay": 0, "lastSalaryDate": null, "averageSalary": 0, "dsr": 0, "confidenceIntervalonSalaryDetection": 0, "salaryFrequency": null, "numberSalaryPayments": 0, "numberOtherIncomePayments": 9, "gigWorker": "Yes", "microSME": "" }, "spendAnalysis": { "averageRecurringExpense": 0, "hasRecurringExpense": "No", "averageMonthlyExpenses": 200585.94, "expenseChannels": [ { "key": "atmSpend", "value": 0 }, { "key": "webSpend", "value": 0 }, { "key": "posSpend", "value": 50400 }, { "key": "ussdTransactions", "value": 1244.75 }, { "key": "mobileSpend", "value": 192855.84 }, { "key": "spendOnTransfers", "value": 1244.75 }, { "key": "internationalTransactionsSpend", "value": 0 } ], "expenseCategories": [ { "key": "bills", "value": 53.75 }, { "key": "entertainment", "value": 0 }, { "key": "savingsAndInvestments", "value": 0 }, { "key": "gambling", "value": 0 }, { "key": "airtime", "value": 104.67 }, { "key": "bankCharges", "value": 262.56 }, { "key": "chequeWithdrawal", "value": 0 }, { "key": "cashWithdrawal", "value": 0 }, { "key": "shopping", "value": 0 }, { "key": "eatingOut", "value": 29626.63 } ] }, "transactionPatternAnalysis": { "MAWWZeroBalanceInAccount": { "month": null, "week_of_month": 0 }, "NODWBalanceLess5000": 2, "NODWBalanceLess": { "amount": 5000, "count": 2 }, "highestMAWOCredit": { "month": "December", "week_of_month": 5 }, "highestMAWODebit": { "month": "December", "week_of_month": 5 }, "lastDateOfCredit": "2021-12-31", "lastDateOfDebit": "2022-01-01", "mostFrequentBalanceRange": "10000-100000", "mostFrequentTransactionRange": "<10000", "recurringExpense": [ { "amount": 0, "description": "null" } ], "transactionsBetween100000And500000": 11, "transactionsBetween10000And100000": 40, "transactionsGreater500000": 0, "transactionsLess10000": 135, "transactionRanges": [ { "min": 10000, "max": 100000, "count": 40 }, { "min": 100000, "max": 500000, "count": 11 }, { "min": null, "max": 10000, "count": 135 }, { "min": 500000, "max": null, "count": 0 } ] }, "breakdowns": [ { "name": "salary", "values": [ { "date": "2023-11", "amount": 20000 }, { "date": "2023-12", "amount": 20000 }, { "date": "2024-01", "amount": 20000 }, { "date": "2024-02", "amount": 20000 }, { "date": "2024-03", "amount": 20000 }, { "date": "2024-04", "amount": 20000 } ] }, { "name": "otherIncome", "values": [ { "date": "2023-11", "amount": 20000.06 }, { "date": "2023-12", "amount": 20000.06 }, { "date": "2024-03", "amount": 20000.06 } ] }, { "name": "loan", "values": [ { "date": "2024-02", "amount": 20000 }, { "date": "2024-03", "amount": 20000 } ] }, { "name": "loanRepayment", "values": [ { "date": "2023-11", "amount": 20000.88 }, { "date": "2024-02", "amount": 20000 }, { "date": "2024-03", "amount": 20000 } ] } ], "id": "e07df36aa20091d4de972c59ee610480d903bba8d9748910a70af7a476496eef119d6f466972d71ae6d4555b4128651c147cc0ef5f53c99ad4dcf62b04330baf" } }


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