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Method: GET

Authentication:Bearer <Token>

Content Type:Application/json


NOTE: The {jobId} in the Endpoint

  • Using this endpoint, you will get the status and results for the PDF analysis related any existing Job ID.

  • The JobID provided in response during PDF Statement Analysis will be used to get the analysis status and results.

Sample Request

Code Block
curl --request GET \
     --url{jobId}/status \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Sample Response

Code Block
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "jobId": "c4450ca76bcbe2166b54aca41b2644d28c2cd089d70a0736c59d344df0dbc48f",
    "status": "DONE",
    "message": "",
    "decideResponse": {
      "country": "Nigeria",
      "currency": "NGN",
      "behaviouralAnalysis": {
        "accountSweep": "No",
        "gamblingRate": 0,
        "inflowOutflowRate": "Neutral Cash Flow",
        "loanAmount": 40403456.95,
        "loanInflowRate": 0.57,
        "loanRepaymentInflowRate": 0.02,
        "loanRepayments": 1386122.68,
        "topIncomingTransferAccount": "Babaoye Adenike",
        "topTransferRecipientAccount": "Thaddeus Olasubomi"
      "cashFlowAnalysis": {
        "accountActivity": 0.79,
        "averageBalance": 778848.73,
        "averageCredits": 878805.0050617283,
        "averageDebits": 74925.52574736858,
        "closingBalance": 4326.25,
        "firstDay": "2022-07-01",
        "lastDay": "2022-12-10",
        "monthPeriod": "July - December",
        "netAverageMonthlyEarnings": -8396019.33,
        "noOfTransactingMonths": 6,
        "totalCreditTurnover": 71183205.41,
        "totalDebitTurnover": 71179249.46000014,
        "yearInStatement": "2022",
        "maxEmiEligibility": 321552,
        "emiConfidenceScore": 0.03,
        "totalMonthlyCredit": [
            "month": "2022-07",
            "amount": 6095348.49
            "month": "2022-08",
            "amount": 10157743.07
            "month": "2022-09",
            "amount": 9757849.48
            "month": "2022-10",
            "amount": 37248533.49
            "month": "2022-11",
            "amount": 6729730.88
            "month": "2022-12",
            "amount": 1194000
        "totalMonthlyDebit": [
            "month": "2022-10",
            "amount": 38443497.56
            "month": "2022-11",
            "amount": 6731456.1
            "month": "2022-12",
            "amount": 1189822.76
            "month": "2022-07",
            "amount": 6058976.1
            "month": "2022-08",
            "amount": 10187105.57
            "month": "2022-09",
            "amount": 8568391.37
        "averageMonthlyCredit": [
            "month": "2022-07",
            "amount": 435382.04
            "month": "2022-08",
            "amount": 441641
            "month": "2022-09",
            "amount": 887077.23
            "month": "2022-10",
            "amount": 2865271.81
            "month": "2022-11",
            "amount": 517671.61
            "month": "2022-12",
            "amount": 170571.43
        "averageMonthlyDebit": [
            "month": "2022-10",
            "amount": 325792.35
            "month": "2022-11",
            "amount": 58029.79
            "month": "2022-12",
            "amount": 20514.19
            "month": "2022-07",
            "amount": 29270.42
            "month": "2022-08",
            "amount": 31636.97
            "month": "2022-09",
            "amount": 66421.64
      "incomeAnalysis": {
        "salaryEarner": "Yes",
        "medianIncome": 150000,
        "averageOtherIncome": 235800,
        "expectedSalaryDay": 24,
        "lastSalaryDate": "2022-12-09",
        "averageSalary": 3231388.91,
        "confidenceIntervalonSalaryDetection": 0.23,
        "salaryFrequency": ">1",
        "numberSalaryPayments": 18,
        "numberOtherIncomePayments": 5,
        "gigWorker": "No"
      "spendAnalysis": {
        "averageRecurringExpense": 4062201.68,
        "hasRecurringExpense": "Yes",
        "averageMonthlyExpenses": 11863208.24,
        "expenseChannels": [
            "key": "atmSpend",
            "value": 46950.83
            "key": "webSpend",
            "value": 535923.42
            "key": "posSpend",
            "value": 20026.87
            "key": "ussdTransactions",
            "value": 329848.35
            "key": "mobileSpend",
            "value": 388234.41
            "key": "spendOnTransfers",
            "value": 5376211.06
            "key": "internationalTransactionsSpend",
            "value": 0
        "expenseCategories": [
            "key": "bills",
            "value": 123790.6
            "key": "entertainment",
            "value": 106600
            "key": "savingsAndInvestments",
            "value": 1700053.75
            "key": "gambling",
            "value": 0
            "key": "airtime",
            "value": 2961.05
            "key": "bankCharges",
            "value": 49158.47
            "key": "chequeWithdrawal",
            "value": 0
            "key": "cashWithdrawal",
            "value": 55266.67
            "key": "shopping",
            "value": 11419
            "key": "eatingOut",
            "value": 136087.65
      "transactionPatternAnalysis": {
        "MAWWZeroBalanceInAccount": {
          "month": null,
          "week_of_month": 0
        "NODWBalanceLess5000": 15,
        "NODWBalanceLess": {
          "amount": 5000,
          "count": 15
        "highestMAWOCredit": {
          "month": "October",
          "week_of_month": 5
        "highestMAWODebit": {
          "month": "October",
          "week_of_month": 5
        "lastDateOfCredit": "2022-12-10",
        "lastDateOfDebit": "2022-12-10",
        "mostFrequentBalanceRange": "100000-500000",
        "mostFrequentTransactionRange": "<10000",
        "recurringExpense": [
            "amount": 13000,
            "description": "NIBSS Instant Payment Outward 000013220704121742000310328977 USSD NIP Transfer from 08066677074 TO THADDEUS OLASUBOMI BABAOYE /26.88/6.98\\ from BABAOYE OLASUBOMI THADDEUS "
            "amount": 10000,
            "description": "TRANSFER BETWEEN CUSTOMERS Via USSD GTBank Transfer 000000002010180456208073371400000 10000202207151149/21.5/6.98V from BABAOYE OLASUBOMI THADDEUS to AGBOOLA, TOBA JOHN "
            "amount": 100000,
            "description": "TRANSFER BETWEEN CUSTOMERS via Internet Banking Mr. Andrew Chinyere from BABAOYE OLASUBOMI THADDEUS to BABAOYE ADENIKE BOSEDE "
        "transactionsBetween100000And500000": 74,
        "transactionsBetween10000And100000": 224,
        "transactionsGreater500000": 36,
        "transactionsLess10000": 697,
        "transactionRanges": [
            "min": 10000,
            "max": 100000,
            "count": 224
            "min": 100000,
            "max": 500000,
            "count": 74
            "min": null,
            "max": 10000,
            "count": 697
            "min": 500000,
            "max": null,
            "count": 36
      "accountDetails": {}