The Loans Page contains information about all the Loans and Applications on your account. To get to this page, just click Loans from the top menu. Here are a few ways you can interact with the Loans Page:
Loans Summary:This is You can viewan all-time overview of the loans on your account. It displays the following information:
Number of Active Loans: this This is the number of loans currently active on your account. This number includes only loans that are in Active status.
Sum of Active Loans: this This is the total value of all active loans. This number includes only loans that are in Active status.
Total Loans: this This is the number of all loans that have been been given out on your account. This number includes all loans regardless of the status.
Sum of Total Loans: this This is the total value of all loans that have been given out on your account. This number includes all loans regardless of the status.
Loans/Applications List: You can viewall the loans and applications on your account on this list. Simply click on Loans to see a list of all loans or click on Applications to see a list of all applications.
Filters: You can filter the loans list or the applications by Application ID, Application Status, Applicant Email, Applicant Name, Requested Date
Loans/Applications Lists:
Export CSV:
Applications List
various filter parameters. Note that you can only filter the list that you are currently viewing, so if you are viewing the loans list the filters will only work on the loans list.
Export CSV: You can export a CSV of your loans or applications at any time. Note that you can only export the contents currently displayed on the table, so if you are viewing the applications list and filter to show only pending applications, the CSV will export a list of pending applications only.
Loans List
The Loans list brings all of the loans on your account into a searchable list to quickly view their information. To see the list, head over to Loans > Applications. Applications List:
The list displays some information about each loan, including:
Status: the current status of the loan
Loan ID: the ID of the loan
Applicant’s Email: the email of the borrower
Applicant’s Name: the name of the borrower
Loan Amount: the amount loaned to the borrower
Repayment Amount: the amount to be repaid by the borrower
Repayment Date: the date the loan is due by
Applications List
The Applications list brings all of the applications that have been requested by your customers into a searchable list to quickly view their information. The list displays some information about each application, including:
Status: the status of the application
Application ID: the ID of the application
Applicant’s Email: the email of the applicant
Applicant’s Name: the name of the applicant
Requested Amount: the amount requested by the applicant
Repayment Amount: the expected amount to be repaid by the applicant
Requested Date
Export CSV: You can export a CSV of your applications or loans at any time. Note that you can only export the contents currently displayed on the table, so if you filter the list of applications to show only pending applications, the CSV will export a list of pending applications only.the date the application was made